When Accidents Happen with your pets, Pet-Oxide is one of the most powerful cleaning solutions in the market! Our formula is eco-friendly and gets Rid of odors and stains AND discourages them from coming back to those areas to have another "accident"!
Pet-Oxide's formula uses the power of oxygenation to attack odor and stain molecules and dissolve them. The foaming action forces these molecules up from surfaces -leaving nothering behind. Once this oxidation happens, Pet-Oxide simply breaks down in basic water. No residual or harmful chemicals left behind.
Due to its Strength, we DO recommend protecting your hands, and skin while spraying. For this reason, we include a glove for your convenience.
Pet-Oxide: Cleaner for Pet Pee, Poop, Vomit & Blood
Each bottle contains 32 ounces. Best stored in dark areas. If any solution gets on the skin, it may sting and turn white, simply wash the areas well with soap and water. Obviously keep children and pets away from treated areas. If you are spraying a floor area, you can place a box or bowl ontop of the soiled areas to let it work undisturbed. Works in about 15 minutes. If stair or odor still is present, reapply.